Am I Prepared for Marriage? Dating vs Hanging Out Is this a date or are we just hanging out? The question that we all ask ourselves! But what’s the difference anyways? Does it matter which one it is? Dallin H. Oaks, a leader in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints says that it does matter! In 2005 in an address to young single adults, Dallin H. Oaks addressed this question. He began by talking about an article from Time Magazine that stated that, “the years from 18 to 25 have become “a distinct and separate life stage, a strange, transitional never-never land between adolescence and adulthood in which people stall for a few extra years, [postponing] … adult responsibility.” There is a tendency for young adults to postpone adult responsibilities and marriage. According to Oaks, “Knowledgeable observers report that dating has nearly disappeared from college campuses and among young adults generally. It has been replaced by something called ‘hanging out’.” Hanging out includes...